Mystery books, authors, tips, and writings

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Last day of Midnight Tour

A week has passed since Holly Jahangiri posted the beginning entries for the Midnight Tour.

A total of eight hosts provided something like fourteen posts, or more, about Midnight Hours.

From the stats sent me from six hosts (am expecting more information from others later), something like 23,598 visitors stopped by to look at the stops. Two hosts don't have stats concerning the amount of traffic before or during the blog stop. However, most who visited did not leave comments. True, some blogs require a person to register to be able to leave comments (something to be addressed for future blog tours), but some people just like to look and read without saying anything. From the six hosts who sent information so far, seventy people commented, not counting the host, author, or characters. Some left more than one comment, too, but extra comments are not included.

Three hosts of the six said hosting the tour helped bring traffic to their blogs. One said the visits were about the same, except one day had a record number of visits and the number of comments were larger. One is used to having over 20,000 hits a day, the day of the Midnight Tour stop was about the same; and one wasn't sure if the tour helped raise the numbers or something else did or a combination (added that the combination was probably what raised the traffic level).

One host said my name was spread all over the web as a result of the tour, so that means success to me.

As far as the contest for the gift certificate, all who left comments would have an entry for each blog where they left a comment IF they sent an email to with the answer to the question, "When does Midnight meet Martin on the online game site?" However, only seven people have sent the email. Also anyone buying a copy of the book from the 4RV Store or directly from me received fifteen entries on top of any accumulated from comments. Again an email with the answer had to be sent. One email per person with an entry or entries was all that was required.

The drawing for the winning entry will be November 5, and people can comment today to have an entry and can buy a book by 11:55 PM EST November 4.

The different hosts offered a wide variety of blog posts, interesting and entertaining. I had so much fun.

I learned from this tour, and I'll share what I learned with others, as soon as I organize everything.

Thank you, everyone who hosted and all who visited. You are the ones who made the tour successful.

cross posted on Brain Cells & Bubble Wrap and Vivian's Site

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